Confession Resources

Examination of Conscience Using the Beatitudes
Looking for a different way to examine your conscience? Using the Beatitudes is a wonderful tool to see how we are not living up to the Lord's standards. "Am I gentle with others or am I harsh?" "Do I truly yearn for God's Will to be done, in my life and in all things?" " Do I love purity and honesty?" These probing questions and more are in this beautiful examination.

A Guided Examination of Conscience
Fr Mark-Mary walks you through the Ten Commandments in a way which enables you to go deeper into your examination before going to Confession. The questions he asks are helpful to anyone who desires to more thoroughly prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Catechism Of The Catholic Church
Excerpts from the Catechism of the Catholic Church on Confession: paragraphs 1420-1498

The Top 3 Reasons That I Became Catholic.....and Always will Be
This is a beautiful story of Dr. Bergsma's conversion to the Catholic Church. Dr. Bergsma relates how he had a desire to go to Confession one day and pulled into the local Catholic Church. Not unusual for those who are Catholic, but for Dr Bergsma, who was a Protestant minister at the time, it was definitely out of the ordinary.
Confession Changed Me
Joseph Pronechen collects stories about several people who returned to the Sacrament of Reconciliation after being away for many years. Beautiful testimonies! There is so much joy in their return to God.

Novena to Our Lady of Bannuex, the Virgin of the Poor
We ask Mary's special intercession for all who pray with the apostolate and for all of those for whom we pray. We ask her guidance under the name of Mary, Our Lady of the Poor.
In 1933 in the hamlet of Banneux Belgium, Mary appeared to a young girl named Mariette Beco. In the apparition Mary was made known as "Our Lady of the Poor". She told Mariette that , "I come to relieve suffering. Believe in me and I will believe in you." In one of the visions Mary led Mariette to a spring. She was told that the water was for healing and "for all nations." The spring was instantly a place of healings and miracles and still draws crowds of pilgrims. Mary expressed her love for all and asked that we "pray much".We ask her to be our patroness because we are the poorest when we are far away from God because of sin. For us, poverty of the soul "puts all of us in a helpless, hopeless, and desperate state."**
Salt and Light Ministry Jan. 23, 2019
Mary, Our Lady of Banneux, pray for us and for all of those who have wandered far from God through sin.
The Message and Novena to Our Lady of Banneux
Our Lady appeared eight times in 1933 to Mariette Beco, eldest daughter of a poor family living outside the village of Banneux, near Liege in Belgium.
Sunday, January 15th
The Virgin invites us by a sign. The Blessed Virgin, dazzling white, seemed to be praying, smiled at the child, and beckoned her to come out the house.
Wednesday, January 18th
After accompanying the child in prayer for about 20 minutes, the Blessed Virgin led her to the spring and said: “Push your hands into the water. This spring is reserved for me. Good night. Au revoir.”
Thursday, January 19thThe child asked, “Who are you, beautiful Lady?” Our Lady replied, “I AM THE VIRGIN OF THE POOR.” Then for the second time, she led the child to the spring and said, “This spring is reserved for all nations…for the sick. I shall pray for you. Au revoir.”
Friday, January 20th
The child asked her, “What do you desire, beautiful Lady?” Our Lady replied, “I would like a little chapel.” Then she blessed the child, placing her hands upon her head and making a sign of the Cross.Saturday, February 11thOur Lady led the child to the spring the third time and said, “I come to alleviate suffering. Au revoir.”
Wednesday, February 15th
The child said, “Blessed Virgin, the chaplain told me to ask for a sign.” Our Lady replied, “Believe in me. I will believe in you.” She then instructed the child with a secret and ended, “Pray a lot. Au revoir.”
Monday, February 20th
For the fourth time, our Lady led the child to the spring and said, “My dear child, pray a lot. Au revoir.”
Thursday, March 2nd
Our Lady appeared for the eighth and last time. She was serious, no longer smiling as she was at the other apparitions. She said: “I AM THE MOTHER OF THE SAVIOR, THE MOTHER OF GOD. Pray a lot. Adieu.” Before finally disappearing, she again blessed the child as she had done on January 20th, placing her hands on her head and making the sign of the Cross as before.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, lead us to Jesus, Source of grace.
Since our sanctification is willed by God, is your own desire, and our own primary and personal aim, pour into our souls, sweet Virgin of the Poor, such ardent desire for holiness, that by faithful response to grace, which you distribute to us, we’ll all may become saints, approaching the perfection which our Lord expects from us. And since daily Holy Communion must give us the strength to follow this call to holiness, dear Mother, lead us everyday to the altar rails.
Say now a decade of the Rosary and recite the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, save all nations.Your Divine Son Jesus died on the Cross for all men and you have offered Him for the whole human race. Therefore, sweet Virgin of the Poor, we ask you to unite all nations in the lap of our Mother, the Catholic Church, that all nations may live in peace and unity, and soon may be one flock with one Shepherd.One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, alleviate suffering.
With tearful eyes we travel as pilgrims over a rocky road, with constant suffering as our companion on the way. Blessed Virgin of the Poor, fill our hearts with the gladdening balm of your tenderness. Teach us to turn our suffering into an act of homage to God and a means to our salvation. Teach us to bear our burdens in union with the sufferings of Jesus.
One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, relieve the sick.
So many ailments torture our bodies, so many faults weaken our souls! Full is our world of hatred and corruption. Blessed Virgin of the Poor, heal the sick and strengthen us in our battle against evil. Grant us lasting health of mind and body. In our spiritual combat give us the courage to manfully practice virtue, so that by our example we may draw our neighbor nearer to your Divine Son.
One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, pray for each one of us.
What profound joy must have filled Mariette when from your motherly lips she heard the hopeful words: “I shall pray for you.” Blessed Virgin, our Mother, so powerful with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, obtain for us the abundance of grace, which you know is necessary for our eternal welfare.
One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, we believe in you.
How could we doubt your promises? Why should we not believe in the motherly care of your heart, always concerned about our well-being? Could we put in doubt the merciful power of your intervention, to which your own life on earth, the whole Christian history and our own lives bear testimony? Blessed Virgin of the Poor, we put ourselves confidently in your hands; our dear ones too we recommend to you. Watch over us, assist us in our last moments and lead us to Heaven.
One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, believe in us.
Could we dare ask you to believe in us, if you yourself had not taught us to do so? A long and sad experience shows only too well that we are but like a reed, moved by the wind: poor mortals so easily led astray. Nevertheless, we feel sure that we might be true and faithful if only you believe in us; your trust in us would give us strength and courage. One with you, we shall be able to persevere until the end. Blessed Virgin of the Poor, let your strong hands keep and guide us; may your loving heart be our safe refuge in all our needs.
One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, bless us.
By putting your hands on Mariette’s head, you overwhelmed the child with countless blessings and effected an absolute change in her heart. Bless us also dear Mother and confer on us your most eminent grace; that your blessing bring about in us a true conversion, so that we will be always ready to serve God and to take our part in expanding His and your dominion over all nations.
One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, Mother of the Savior, Mother of God, we thank you.
Convinced that our prayers will be heard by that kind and tender mother’s heart of yours; confident that all the favors asked for will be granted us, we, even before having received them, do thank you for them. A trustful prayer, said in the right disposition, will never go unheard. Even if we ask you for what you, dear Mother, know to be to the detriment of our soul, you will still heed our prayer by granting us other, more precious and more salutary favors. Hence in all confidence we have recourse to you. From the depth of our heart we thank you, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Be you blessed forever!
One decade of the Rosary and the invocations.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, lead us to Jesus, source of grace.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, save all nations
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, relieve the sick.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, alleviate suffering.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, pray for each one of us.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, we believe in you.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, believe in us.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, we will pray hard.
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, bless us. (+)
Blessed Virgin of the Poor, Mother of the Savior, Mother of God, we thank you
(100 days indulgence: die 11 Feb. 1935)
Our Lady of Banneux, Mother of the Savior, Mother of God, Virgin of the Poor, you have promised to believe in us, if we believe in you. To you, goes all our hope. Graciously listen to the prayers, we send up to you, according to your own wish. Give back to sinners the treasures of the faith, and to the poor their daily bread. Heal the sick, alleviate suffering and pray for us. Make your intercession spread the Kingdom of Christ to all nations. Amen.
Bulldog Catholic examination of Conscience
This Examination of Conscience is very thorough covering:
Making an Examination of Conscience
The difference between mortal and venial sin
The Ten Commandments
The precepts of the Church
How to go to Confession
Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding Confession
Quotes from Saints on Confession
Pope Francis on Confession

Most Common Problems I See in Confession (and how to fix!)
It is evident in this video that Fr. Casey Cole has a great love for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. One of his disappointments is that some who come to to Confession have not been given proper formation in how to make a good Confession.
Because the confessional is not always conducive for instruction on "How to make a proper Confession", Fr. Casey has created Tik Tok videos featuring seven different common ways people can misuse the sacrament.
The videos are exaggerated scenarios where Fr. Casey plays the priest hearing Confession and the penitent individual. What is most clearly expressed in this video is Fr. Casey's deep love and respect for those coming to Confession and his hope that all who come to the sacrament can experience God's amazing love for them.
Key Takeaways
- Fr. Casey desires to "teach" and "form" individuals in the proper use of the Sacrament of Confession
Some ways people do not use the sacrament properly:
- List - Individuals can come to Confession with a long list of sins without much evidence of contrition for any of them.
- Burying the Lede - There are some who hurriedly squeeze a serious sin between two venial sins without giving an indication that there's a difference between the two.
- Confessing everything as mortal - Not all sins are serious. It is important to know the difference between the two.
- Scrupulosity - The frequent, habitual use of Confession is usually an indication of a mental health issue. The CCC #1393 and 1394 show how our sins are expiated through our reception of the Eucharist at mass. This may not be enough for those who suffer from obsessive, compulsive disorder, but it may give some comfort to them.
- Vagueness - Confessing that you have broken commandments 1, 5 and 8 is not enough information for the priest to understand what you are struggling with.
- Naming other's sins - Confession is about your relationship with God. It is not meant to be a time to discuss the faults of others.
- The Rambler - Confession is not the time to discuss theological questions or sorting out how you feel about things. It is always about confessing the ways in which you've failed to love God.
- Welcome Home - It it clearly shown how much having someone return to the Sacrament of Confession means to Fr. Casey in this last short Tik Tok video. True contrition is a joy to see.
Questions for Reflection
- Did any of the videos make you think of the way you go to Confession?
- Were you convicted by any of the videos?
- Will viewing these videos help you think about how you approach the sacrament the next time you go?
- Can you sense how Fr. Casey feels about the Sacrament of Confession?

Why Confess Your Sins to a Priest? | Made For Glory
Fr. Michael Nixon discusses the authority of priests to offer forgiveness of sins through the ministry of the Church.
Jesus gave His disciples the power to forgive sins when He breathed His Spirit on them after the Resurrection. Through apostolic succession, each priest has the same power entrusted to him. This gift was given to the Church so that the forgiveness of Christ can go out to the whole world.
Through this power and authority of Jesus, we are absolved of our sins. Reconciliation between us and God and the community is obtained.
Key Takeaways
- Christ established the Sacrament of Reconciliation to bring forgiveness to the world.
- Priests represent Christ.
- Authority to forgive sins is lived in and through the priest.
- One person's sins affect the whole body of Christ.
- Do you believe in the authority of priests to forgive your sins?
- Why is going to a priest to confess your sins different than just saying them to yourself?
- What do you think of the reality that our sins harm the Body of Christ?

Why Confess My Sins to a Priest?
Jesus gave His disciples the power to forgive sins when He breathed His Spirit on them after the Resurrection. Through apostolic succession, each priest has the same power entrusted to him. This gift was given to the Church so that the forgiveness of Christ can go out to the whole world.
Through this power and authority of Jesus, we are absolved of our sins. Reconciliation between us and God and the community is obtained.
Key Takeaways
- Christ established the Sacrament of Reconciliation to bring forgiveness to the world.
- Priests represent Christ.
- Authority to forgive sins is lived in and through the priest.
- One person's sins affect the whole body of Christ.
Questions for Reflection
- Do you believe in the authority of priests to forgive your sins?
- Why is going to a priest to confess your sins different than just saying them to yourself?
- What do you think of the reality that our sins harm the Body of Christ?

Why Confess My Sins To A Priest?
The Sacrament of Confession is scriptural. When we confess our sins to a priest, we are obeying Christ and how He envisioned us relieving the burden of our transgressions. If we are a follower of Christ we do what He asks us to do!
Chris gives us four main reasons to go to Confession. Some of the reasons he suggests are ones that are not typically mentioned : psychological health, going straight to God instead of relying on ourselves , making sure our serious, mortal sins are forgiven and healing our community through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
There is so much packed into this short video you may have to watch it several times to catch it all.
Make sure you're taking notes!
Key Takeaways
- The devil is a liar. His desire is that our sins would fester in our heart, harming us mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. When you confess your sins, you are removing their power over you.
- When you go to Confession you are going straight to Christ himself. The priest is "In personaChristi", in English, " In the person of Christ". Professing your sins to Christ is preferable to saying them to yourself in your room.
- Mortal sin breaks the friendship we have with God. If we desire to restore this relationship we must seek absolution from a priest. We can be sure of this healing when we hear the words the priest speaks during the sacrament.
- The only way to heal the damage we have done to the community when we sin is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- My relationship with God does not depend on my perfect love for Him but on His perfect love for me.
Questions for Reflection
- Were any of the reasons Chris mentioned for going to Confession new to you?
- What do you think about the words the priest speaks to you in the sacrament? Did this video give you a greater appreciation of what is said in Confession?
- What do you think of the concept that Christ died to give us grace and mercy? Do you think of that reality in relationship to the Sacrament of Confession?

Going to Confession for the First Time in a Long Time
Fr. Mike Schmitz always presents an uplifting, approachable explanation about particulars of the Faith. In this video he gives great advice to those who, for one reason or other, have not gone to Confession for a while.
How do you remember the sins you've committed ten years ago? By using an examination of conscience, you can see where you have failed to love God. Where and how did you say "no" to Him over the course of the time you've been away?
Sin breaks our relationship with God. Confession is the opportunity to restore that bond. Just as you would say you're sorry to someone you've injured, telling God you are sorry for offending Him repairs the damage you have incurred.
Key Takeaways
- The Holy Spirit convicts us of what we have done wrong if we give Him the time and space to listen to His voice.
- A good Examination of Conscience is a necessary tool to determine how we have missed the mark of loving God as we should.
- If you unintentionally forget to mention a mortal sin in Confession, that sin is forgiven, but you should mention it the next time you go to Confession.
- Confession is always about restoring our relationship with God. We should try to remove every impediment which stands in the way of loving Him.
- Fr. Schmitz has co-authored a book "Pocket Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation"
Questions for Reflection
- Is there something that is keeping you from Confession?
- Are you willing to prepare yourself properly to receive the sacrament ?
- Does examining your conscience seem overwhelming, scary, intimidating, or painful?

Mortal vs. Venial Sin
Fr. Mike opens with the scripture passage from 1 John 5: 16-17. "There is such a thing as deadly sin", writes John.
There are 3 stipulations for a sin to be mortal:
- The offense must be serious
- You must know it's serious
- You must give full consent to committing the offense
All sin is wrongdoing and an offense against God. Venial sins harm our relationship with God, but mortal sin breaks our communion with Him. This is true in all relationships. Some offenses will weaken our friendship, but some will cause irreparable damage. We should strive to not offend anyone we're in a relationship with, particularly our Lord.
The wonderful gift is that grace is always available to us. God desires to restore our relationship with Him. No one is beyond the reach of God's grace. It's time to be forgiven.
Key Takeaways
There is a difference between mortal and venial sin.
- There is a difference between venial and mortal sin.
- Mortal sin is a grave action, committed in full knowledge of its gravity and with full consent.
- Venial sin weakens us to the point where it makes committing a mortal sin easier.
- Confession is the Sacrament of Mercy.
- Sin is a wound in our relationship with God and others.
- Grace is always available to us
Questions for Reflection
- Are you sensitive to the difference between a mortal and venial sin and realize when you have committed one or the other?
- Do you try to avoid venial sins and confess them regularly to avoid falling into more serious sin?
- Do you think it's important to examine yourself daily to see a pattern of behaviors which may be sinful or ways where you have failed to love God and others?

Catholicism 101: Confession!
In this short, humorous video created by the Institute for New Media, we are given the boost we may need getting to Confession. It covers many of the fears we may face returning to the Sacrament if we've committed a sin we are especially embarrassed about.
Key Takeaways
- The video is short and to the point
- Clever images and vocalizations used to ease anxiety about Confession
- Highlights God's Mercy
- Emphasizes Confession is not about judgement
Questions for Reflection
- Did this video put your mind at ease regarding Confession?
- Is it easier for you to believe that Confession is not something you should fear after watching this video?
- Can you identify what's keeping you from returning to Confession?